Motorcycle Mechanic Careers Are Hot

Program under redevelopment – currently not taking enrollments

Motorcycle Mechanics Careers

Motorcycles continue to be a popular form of transportation. Harleys and hogs need tune-ups and repairs just like any other vehicle, which is why motorcycle mechanic careers are hot.

Customers appreciate motorcycle mechanics who can repair and replace headlights, signal lights, spark plugs, points and tires; and perform routine maintenance, lubrication and essential troubleshooting of different components and systems. As a skilled, trained motorcycle mechanic, you may run an independent shop or find lucrative work wherever you live.

Bike enthusiasts will excel in motorcycle mechanic careers. PCDI Canada will steer you in the right direction. Call 1-800-535-1613 or enroll online today.


Know the Requirements for Success. It is important to remember that licensing, apprenticeship, certification, training or other requirements may be applicable to some careers in some or all provinces or localities or to jobs with some employers. As a result, we strongly advise you to check with your provincial or local government (for example licensing board or apprenticeship agency) or potential employers to find out whether any of these requirements are applicable to the career or job that you have chosen.