Learn Computer Programming Online

Program under redevelopment – currently not taking enrollments

Learn computer programming online and watch key concepts come alive at your computer. Our real-world training was designed by experts to help you start a respected career and get ahead fast.

With the Computer Programming online course, students learn basic programming skills needed to enter the profession. Computer programmers write and test code that allows computer applications and software programs to function properly.

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Lesson Group 1: Orientation: Ashworth College Career Program

Learning at Ashworth  

The goals and values of Ashworth College; time management; creating a realistic weekly and monthly study schedule; the nature and purpose of assessments; how to study effectively to prepare for and take an online examination; developing the skill sets necessary for success in the twenty-first century.

Lesson Group 2: JavaScript Basics: Objects, Methods and Properties

Introduction to Programming  

Summary introduction to the concept of computer programs and programming languages; differences in procedural and object-oriented/object-based programs; qualities of programming professionals and a review of the software development lifecycle.

Representing Data with Values  

Value types; creating a string literal; creating a number literal; creating a Boolean literal; naming a value with an identifier; creating an object literal; creating an array literal; creating a function literal.

Type Conversion  

String members; explicitly creating wrappers; converting a value to another type.


Introducing operator precedence and associativity; using JavaScript operators.

Lesson Group 3: Essentials of Writing JavaScript Code

Controlling Flow  

Writing conditional statements; taking one of several paths with a switch; writing a while loop; writing a do/while loop; writing a for loop; enumerating members with a for/in loop; snappier conditionals; snappier loops.

Member Inheritance  

Creating objects with a constructor; classical inheritance; prototypal inheritance; cloning members; mixins.

Functions and Arrays  

Why use functions; functions are values; function members; conditional advance loading; lazy loading; recursion; borrowing methods with apply() functions or call() functions; currying; chaining methods; closure and returning functions; passing a configuration object; callback functions; memorization; global abatement with modules; arrays.

Traversing and Modifying the DOM Tree  

Traversing and modifying the DOM tree.

Lesson Group 4: Scripting, Listening, and Variables Concepts

Scripting CSS  

DOM interfaces for working with CSS; clarifying some CSS jargon; downloading the sample files; querying a style attribute; scripting classes; scripting rules; scripting imported style sheets; adding or deleting a rule; querying overall styles from the cascade; enabling and disabling style sheets; including or importing style sheets; embedding a style sheet.

Listening for Events  

Working with the event object; downloading project files; advance conditional loading; telling JavaScript to stop listening for an event; preventing default actions from taking place; preventing an event from traversing the DOM tree; writing helper functions; sliding sprites; drag-and-drop behavior; swapping skins by key; initiating behaviors when the DOM tree is available; fighting global evil.

Scripting BOM  

Downloading the project files; remembering visitor data with cookies; animating with timers; writing dynamic pages using AJAX; yielding with timers; converting function declarations to expressions.

Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript  

Using JavaScript to communicate with the user; using data more than once: variables; JavaScript expressions; JavaScript operators; inline scripting, simple user events, and basic event handlers; JavaScript keywords and reserved words.

Lesson Group 5: Advanced Object Concepts and Security Foundations

JavaScript Language Objects  

Introduction to JavaScript language objects; the string object; evaluating strings; JavaScript regular expressions; the array object; the date object; setting and extracting time information; the math object.

Developing Interactive Forms with JavaScript  

Interactive forms; overview of form elements; referring to form elements; the form object; the button object; the checkbox object; the text and textarea objects; the radio object; the select object; form validation.

JavaScript Security  

Introduction to JavaScript security issues; browser vs. operating system; browser-specific security issues; browser compatibility and client-side detection; script blocking; differences in document.write commands among browsers; malicious and accidental coding; frame-to-frame URL changing; signed scripts; cross-site scripting (XSS); cookies and security in JavaScript; creating secure JavaScript code.

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Program Description

Students will learn essential web-based programming skills associated with the JavaScript programming language. The program includes both beginner and advanced concepts for JavaScript programing, including Operators and Statements, Core APIs, Methods and Encapsulation, Class Design, and Exceptions. Students gain hands-on experience using virtual networked equipment within the content's Live Lab virtualized environment.

Program Objectives

After completing the Computer Programming program, students will be able to:

  1. Understand JavaScript structure and the techniques required to control flow with loops.
  2. Understand the fundamental features of web-centric programming, including objects, inheritances, functions and arrays.
  3. Apply basic business concepts to programming logic to produce JavaScript solutions for workplace technology development.
  4. Create basic software programs and applications using JavaScript.
  5. Understand the concepts and processes necessary to create and apply custom JavaScript objects.

Learn computer programming online and get ahead fast. Call 1-800-535-1613 or enroll online today.